Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Annapurna post follows on air pollution problem in Kathmandu

Interview with environment department's director is published in Annapurna post today.

Particulate matter reaches record high in Kathmandu

Particulate matter (PM10) reached probably record high in Kathmandu. Avoid staying around Putalisadak area for too long. PM10 concentrations in Putalisadak were recorded for ~900 micrograms per cubic meter while the national standard of Nepal is in ~120 micrograms per cubic meter. Following is the news cutting from Annapurna Post.

Health effects of Air pollution in Kathmandu

A city of cardiac patients if air pollution untamed

More pollution in city air as people battling breathing problems


Assessment of occupational and ambient airquality of traffic police personnel of the Kathmandu valley,Nepal

Health Impacts of Kathmandu’s Air Pollution

Measuring the Health Benefits from Reducing Air Pollution in Kathmandu Valley

Air Pollution in Kathmandu Valley

Deteriorating air quality in Kathmandu

1. Air quality index: Nepal ranks 3rd worst performer
The Environment Performance Index (EPI) ranking—prepared by the Yale Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Yale University and Centre for International Earth Science Information Network and Columbia University—has listed Nepal in the third last position among 132 countries scoring 18 out of 100 points provided for air pollution. 


2. The Valley Chokes: Pollution in Kathmandu
3. Air pollution in Kathmandu off the charts: Illustrated article
4. Bid to check air pollution level hits snag
5. Sick city
6. Kathmandu: The dirty capital

7. Air pollutants threatening public health: Study

Characteristics and Sources of Carbonaceous, Ionic, and Isotopic Species of Wintertime Atmospheric Aerosols in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Composition and sources of particulate matter in Kathmandu during winter of 2008. This article can be downloaded from: